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#No 1 Online Digital Marketing Training In India

Best Google Ads Training Institute in Rajkot

Devweb Technology is one of the Best Google Ads or PPC Ads Training Institutes in Rajkot. We at Devweb Technology offers complete practical training on Google Ads with Live Project to realize the sensible knowledge. Enroll with us today and master in Google AdWords or Google Ads Course from our expert trainer to get maximum results from your campaigns. You can also, check our for Online Google AdWords Training to learn at your own pace.

        Moreover, we follow the simplest and latest practices and teach you on the way to create ads campaigns to drive targeted traffic to the website. We also teach you the latest techniques involved in keyword research, the way to write powerful ads to urge high CTR, importance of Quality Score, writing negative keywords, using Ad Extensions, bidding strategies, tracking and analysis, etc., Perhaps most significantly, effectively learn here on the way to optimize your account successfully to beat your competitor in every way aside from generating high ROI.

       In fact, with more emphasis on practical and real time live examples, we are here to help you right from Account Setup process, good campaign creation, Monitoring it on regular intervals for extensive Reporting and do Billing in Google AdWords. Extensively take hold on the whole Account on what proportion you would like to take a position for any campaign to market any products or services, the way to fine-tune your own strategy based on the KPIs (key performance indicators) to realize the specified good conversions and achieve big business goals.

        Devweb Technology has been the pioneers in creating PPC (Pay Per Click) campaigns and also assist you in every step of qualifying for Google AdWords Certification Exams. Being certified in this Best Google Ads Training in Rajkot helps in increasing your chances to get better opportunities in your career. Are you keen to become an AdWords Professional; then you’re at the right place.

       Call now to explore your needs closely and pursue this genuinely creative course.

         We do offer Facebook Ads, Content Marketing, Email Marketing paid campaign training as well. 

What are Google Ads? 

      Google Ads is the Best Online Advertising Platform of Google where Advertisers can bid on keywords to display their own Ads on Search Engines.

     Google Ads educational program helps you to make Smart and good Ads Campaigns which helps to achieve higher ROI for the Business.

Benefits of our Best Google Ads Training in Rajkot

      There are billions of searches happening on Search Engines a day. By Learning Best Google Ads Course, you’ll easily outrank your competitors on the online market. Google Ads are a boon to advertisers to hurry up the method of revenue generations.

  • It can Increase Brand Awareness.
  • It brings Faster Result than SEO.
  • Easily Outrank Your Competitor Ads.
  • Increase Ad Visibility to the targeted Audiences.
  • Test the campaigns by using A/B Strategy.
  • Remarket your audience with better deals.
  • Quick Search Visibility
  • Targeted Potential clients
  • Advertise a place within the World
  • Flexible Budget Options
  • Free Branding skill

Topics which will covered in our Advanced Google Ads Course :

  • Session 01: Introduction to Adword
  1. Introduction
  2. Paid vs. Organic Search
  3. How Google Adword Works
  4. Google Adwords Updates
  5. AdWords Formulas
  • Session 02: Google AdWord Overview
  1. Google Adwords Interface
  2. Search Partners Network
  3. Geo Targeting
  4. Bid Strategy
  5. Google Ad Extensions
  6. Google AdWords Advanced Settings
  7. Remarketing
  8. Link Adwords and Analytics
  9. Install conversional Tracking Code
  10. Install Remarketing Tracking Code
  11. Google’s Adword Rules
  • Session 03: Keyword Research
  1. What is SEM Keywords
  2. Importance of Keywords
  3. Keyword Strategy
  4. Keyword Match Types
  5. Best Practices for Keywords
  6. Setting Your Budget
  7. Adding Amount To The Adword Account
  8. Know About Adword Tracking URL
  9. Task Assigned on Keyword Research
  • Session 04: Budgeting
  1. Setup Your Payment Method
  2. Update Your Billing Information
  3. Free Advertising Credits
  • Session 05: Types of Campaigning
  1. Search Campaigning
  2. Display Campaigning
  3. Video Campaigning
  4. Apps Campaigning
  5. Product Based Campaigning
  6. Maps Campaigning
  7. Remarketing Campaign
  • Session 06: Search Campaigning
  1. What is Search Campaigning
  2. How Search Campaigning Works
  3. Features of Search Campaigning
  4. How To Create Your First Search Campaign
  5. How To Setup Targeting Groups
  6. Using Negative Targets
  7. Copying Campaigns, Ads & Targeting Groups
  8. Measuring Ad Performance
  9. Tips for Optimizing Search Ad Campaigning
  10. Generating Reports
  • Session 07: Display Campaigning
  1. Introduction To Display Campaigning
  2. How Display Campaigning Works
  3. How ads work on Google partner sites
  4. How Gmail ads work
  5. Types of Display Ads
  6. Advanced Display Planner features
  7. Setting up a Display Campaign
  8. Ad groups and targeting
  9. Static image ads
  10. Copying Campaigns, Ads & Targeting Groups
  11. Measuring Ad Performance
  12. Tips for Optimizing Display Campaigning
  13. Generating Reports
  • Session 08: Video Campaigning
  1. Introduction To Video Campaigning
  2. How YouTube Ads Works
  3. Types of Video Formats
  4. How To Create Your First Campaign
  5. Bumper ads
  6. Targeted Location
  7. Starting with ad groups
  8. Importance of ad headline and description
  9. Setting CPV/CPE/CPM
  10. Targeting demographics
  11. Choosing interests and topics
  12. Choosing keywords
  13. Measuring Ad Performance
  14. Tips for Optimizing Video Ad Campaigning
  15. Generating Reports
  16. Session 09: Universal Apps Campaigning
  17. Introduction To Apps Campaigning
  18. Types of App Promotions
  19. When to use Paid Advertising for App Marketing
  20. Always Test Before You Advertise
  21. Which Platform to Advertise on?
  22. How Much Does it Cost?
  23. How To Create Your First Campaign
  24. Measuring Ad Performance
  25. Tips for Optimizing Apps Ad Campaigning
  26. Generating Reports
  27. Free Tool to Monitor Your App Reviews
  • Session 10: Adword Express Campaigning
  1. Introduction To Adword Express
  2. Types of Ads
  3. Create Adword Express Campaign
  4. Measuring Ad Performance
  5. Tips for Optimizing Maps Campaigning
  6. Generating Reports
  • Session 11: Adword Shopping Campaigning
  1. Introduction To Shopping Campaigning
  2. Importance of MCC
  3. How To use My Client Centre (MCC)
  4. Import products into Google Merchant Centre
  5. Create a Shopping Campaign
  6. Create ad groups in dynamic ad campaigns
  7. Add automatic targets
  8. Advantages and key points of dynamic campaigns
  9. Measuring Ad Performance
  10. Generating Reports
  • Session 12: Reports & Management
  1. Importance of Filters, Labels & Dimensions
  2. Optimizing Keywords according to Campaigning
  3. Analysing Ad Extensions, Ads, Ad groups
  4. Daily, Weekly & Monthly Audit Reporting
  • Session 13: Free Resource
  1. SEM Quotation for Client
  2. How To Apply Google Adword Exam
  3. Spy on Your Competitors Ads using these tools

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Devweb Technology is award winning digital marketing institute provides best digital marketing course in Rajkot India. We Offer Online Offline Course.

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